Blog - Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

34 Greater Philadelphia Women Connect with Mexico City Jewish Community

Written by Andrea Cantor | May 10, 2024 7:05:11 PM

Thirty four women from Greater Philadelphia traveled to Mexico City to connect with the Jewish community abroad from May 2-6. As part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Women’s Philanthropy group, the participants immersed themselves in Mexico City’s thriving Jewish culture, which has roots that date back to the early 1500s.


Led by Mission Co-Chairs Margie Wargon and Debra Zweben, the travel experience was elevated with the presence of scholar-in-residence Dr. Sara Aroeste. Aroeste has an extensive academic and professional background in fine arts, having studied in the United States and in Mexico, where she obtained her Master of Fine Arts and completed her doctorate. 


Over the course of their travel, the women were not only able to connect with each other and the culture, but also with the important philanthropic work being done on the ground by meeting with Jewish Federation supported agencies, including the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and World ORT.


“Visiting the Olami ORT school was unbelievable,” said Wargon. “From their STEM classrooms, to recording studios, to edible gardens for children to learn about different plants, to their ‘idea space’ with comfy couches and an indoor slide, truly I have never seen a Jewish community and day school so vibrant and forward thinking. I am proud to know that we support this type of life-changing work through our philanthropy to the Jewish Federation.” 


Lions of Judah from Greater Philadelphia and Mexico connected with pride on this mission. Over 700 women in Greater Philadelphia are Lions of Judah, a special recognition for generous philanthropists giving $5,000 or more annually to the Jewish community.


In a time of heightened antisemitism following the Oct. 7 attacks in Israel, it is more important than ever that global Jewish communities come together to understand one another and create ties of solidarity and resiliency in the face of unprecedented challenges. 


Get a glimpse into this powerful and meaningful mission below. 


34 women from the Jewish Federation Greater Philadelphia visited Mexico City to connect with its historic Jewish culture.


(R to L) Mission Co-Chairs Margie Wargon and Debra Zweben at a historic synagogue.


Hot air balloon ride over Teotihuacan, an ancient city.


PJ Library books, which is supported by the Jewish Federation to provide Jewish learning among young families, in Spanish at the Centro Deportivo Israelita.


See more photos of the Women’s Philanthropy Mission to Mexico City by clicking here


Women’s Philanthropy is an affinity group of the Jewish Federation that convenes women from all around the Greater Philadelphia region to connect, volunteer, travel, learn about issues facing Jewish communities locally and globally, and serve as ambassadors for Jewish Federation in synagogues, neighborhoods, and beyond.


To learn more about Women’s Philanthropy, click here or contact Women’s Philanthropy Director Lindsay Davidman at