Blog - Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

A Place for the Jewish Community: Multipurpose Centers in Greater Philadelphia

Written by Rachel Cohen | Aug 12, 2024 4:51:09 PM

This year, the Jewish community was faced with some of the most challenging times in recent history, from the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel to unprecedented antisemitism in Greater Philadelphia and around the world. Through this, the Jewish community has remained united together to demonstrate solidarity and show their Jewish pride.  


Now more than ever, it is also important to have a place to gather as a Jewish community. Since 1901, the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia has been a hub for Jewish life and it has continued to support programs that bring the region's various Jewish communities together as one. 


“After the events of this past year, having a place for the Jewish community to be able to come together to share positive memories has become vital.” said Senior Chief of External Affairs of the Jewish Federation Jeffrey Lasday. “Not only does the Jewish Federation create initiatives and host programs to convene our community, but we also support other organizations in the area that focus on engaging people of all ages and backgrounds to connect them with one another and to Jewish life.” 


See below for just some of the Jewish Federation’s supported organizations, which are multigenerational centers for Jewish life in Greater Philadelphia. 


“The Jewish Federation’s continual support and funding has allowed us to continue our work to understand and address today's multi-faceted Jewish community and their need for connection. From empowering parent ambassadors to build and grow neighborhood-based Jewish communities to training institutional leaders to develop and execute innovative and accessible models of education, the Jewish Federation has always been there to support our mission of inspiring a meaningful Jewish life for all who want access to it.” 

- Chief Executive Officer Elana Rivel, Jewish Learning Venture


“The support from the Jewish Federation has helped the most vulnerable Jewish individuals in our region know that they are deeply cared for, supported and seen as vibrant members of the Jewish community at-large. Whether it is a person with chronic mental illness, intellectual disability, someone who is aging or has survived the atrocities of the Holocaust, or lives in wretched poverty, individuals and families know that because of the support of the Jewish Federation, JFCS is able to help them in their times of need.”

- President and CEO Paula Goldstein, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia (JFCS)


“The Jewish Federation has been key in helping to foster a vibrant, inclusive community at the Kaiserman JCC. Their support allows us to offer diverse programming that spans generations, helping to build connections, celebrate Jewish culture together, and create a welcoming space for all. Whether it’s the Dorot program that brings together older adults and young people for mitzvah projects, or our annual Community Purim Carnival that brings joy and celebration to all ages, we are incredibly proud to continue partnering with the Jewish Federation to serve as the home that provides these crucial resources.”

- CEO Alan Scher, Kaiserman JCC


“For many individuals in the Northeast, KleinLife is not just a community center, it is the only place where they can congregate, celebrate their heritage, and fulfill their religious needs. The support of the Jewish Federation has been instrumental in providing resources that cater to the diverse needs of our community, from youth to seniors. Their funding and collaboration enable us to offer educational, cultural and social services that strengthen our communal bonds across all generations. By partnering with the Jewish Federation, we can ensure that our initiatives are inclusive, impactful and sustainable, fostering a sense of belonging and continuity within our Jewish community.

- President and CEO Andre Krug, Kleinlife



Help continue creating a strong, vibrant and connected Greater Philadelphia Jewish community by making a gift to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia before its Annual Campaign ends on Aug. 31 at