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Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia held its Opening Board Meeting on September 7 at Temple Sinai in Dresher. Participants packed hundreds of Rosh Hashanah kits for older adults at Federation Housing, heard about how their support enables inclusive Rosh Hashanah programming, and learned how different honeys are made, all along the High Holidays theme.


Women’s Philanthropy Opening Board Meeting

(Pictured L to R: Robin Robbins, Jen Thomas, Tracy Gordon, Ali Glickman and Katie Grinnell)

Attendees of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's Women’s Philanthropy connected before the program for sushi and sweets.



Women's Philanthropy Chair Tracy Gordon spoke to attendees about the challenge and beauty of change as we embark on a new year.



The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's Women’s Philanthropy packed hundreds of Rosh Hashanah kits for older adults at Federation Housing.



Click here to see more photos from the event. You can learn more about and become a member of Women's Philanthropy by clicking here or by reaching out to Director of Women's Philanthropy Lindsay Davidman at ldavidman@jewishphilly.org or 215.832.0502.