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In a year of unprecedented challenges, it has been inspiring to witness our community come together to support each other at home and overseas. As we look to the future, it’s important that we have the right foundation to ensure that future generations can live proudly and safely as Jews.


That’s why the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia is taking our work to the next level, starting with making sure our community members understand what we offer. One of the most significant ways of ensuring Jewish continuity is to grow and manage an even larger endowment for our community’s future. 


I am proud to announce that our endowments program will now be called the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Philadelphia to highlight this increased focus on our collective future.  


Our Jewish Community Foundation currently manages over 800 funds, including 260 donor advised funds, and more than $380 million in assets. Our endowment funds support the Jewish Federation through Caring for Those in Need, Supporting Israel and Global Jewry, and Securing a Vibrant Jewish Future. 


As we approach the one year anniversary of Oct. 7, I am reminded of how fortunate we were to have three endowment funds already specifically set aside to address Israel emergency needs. Because of the foresight of these individuals years ago, we were able to deploy $1.5 million to Israel immediately in the wake of Oct. 7.


We also maintain funds that support the vital components of Jewish life in Greater Philadelphia: our local Jewish community partners, including Hillels, community centers, social service agencies, day schools, camps and synagogues, to name a few.  


Our focus on community is also demonstrated through our partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, through which we were able to bring the Life & Legacy Initiative to Philadelphia. Through Life & Legacy, a cohort of 13 organizations in our community are receiving training, marketing materials and incentive grants to grow their own endowments over the next four years.


To really be here for our children and grandchildren, we will need to do much more. I know that the idea of establishing an “endowment” may seem daunting and only for the very wealthy. This is not the case. No matter your stage of life or income level, we are here to provide guidance and find a plan that works for you. 


For a young couple starting out, life insurance premiums are relatively inexpensive and a great way to leverage their charitable giving to create an impact when you pass away. Empty nesters may want to add a bequest to their wills. And seniors may want to look into a charitable gift annuity, which will give them guaranteed income during retirement and for the rest of their life.


Our team of professionals is available to help you make an easy to understand and smart choice that will make a lasting impact for the Jewish causes you care about most in our local community and in Israel.


I first started at the Jewish Federation 18 years ago. Seeing the progress we have made in endowments is remarkable, understanding its importance for the viability and continuity of our community. 


Now, as the chief planned giving officer, Jewish Federation and I are committed at the highest level to continuing this legacy and increasing our focus on growing our endowment to secure our community’s long-term health and sustainability.  


This shift in organization is not just a business decision, but it is also a personal one for our wider community. This change impacts the world we leave behind, making it a better, brighter and safer place for the Jewish people.


And while this is a great step for our organization, our ability to create this better world starts with you.


I hope you will consider reaching out to learn more about the impact you can leave for generations to come.