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Ten NextGen participants and two staff members recently traveled to Cuba on a five-day mission, visiting Havana’s Jewish community at a time when connection around the world is needed most.


In addition to being immersed in another Jewish culture, the participants, who are in their 20s and 30s, delivered almost 500 pounds of emergency aid while on the ground. Aid included: medical supplies, feminine hygiene products, toys for children, and arts and crafts for older populations to make Judaica such as challah covers.


Throughout the mission, the participants were able to learn about a country frozen in time and how the Jewish life there has persisted against all odds.



Participants collected over 500 pounds of humanitarian aid to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a longstanding grantee of the Jewish Federation, to be distributed through its supported pharmacy, including medical and craft supplies.



Participants visited the historic Revolution Square with Che Guevara’s famous image and slogan, "Hasta la Victoria Siempre."



At Havana’s historic Beth Shalom Synagogue, participants met two IDF lone soldiers from Cuba: Daniela Russo and Asher Nisim.



Spanish posters calling for the release of the hostages in Gaza were affixed around the city.



Participants took salsa lessons at the oldest salsa school in the Americas.



Participants enjoyed a private photoshoot while cruising through the San Isidro neighborhood in classic convertibles.



Participants experienced a VIP tour of the Fabrica de Art, a multi-faceted entertainment venue built into a former oil factory created by hip-hop artist X-Alfonso.



NextGen brings together leaders and philanthropists in their 20s, 30s and early 40s who are looking to give back as they build community. Learn more.

Interested in going on a mission trip with the Jewish Federation? Learn more here or contact Erica Miller, Missions Manager, at erica.miller@jewishphilly.org.