Emergencies happen without notice, which is why we’re very grateful for your support in times when it matters most. As fighting intensifies, millions of Ukrainians, including tens of thousands of Jews, are attempting to flee the country. Thanks to the incredible generosity of this community, more than $500,000 has been raised to provide humanitarian aid on the ground and help individuals and families escape to safety. As the fighting escalates, the needs in the region continue to grow. If you would like to make a gift in support of the emergency response efforts, please click here.
To date, Jewish Federations have raised $24.5 million for Ukrainian relief efforts. These funds are enabling the heroic work of our partners on the ground, including The Jewish Agency for Israel, The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, World ORT and others, to respond to emergency needs:
Jewish Federations have activated our emergency protocols and are working closely with our partners on the ground to support efforts that ensure the safety and well-being of the entire Jewish community in Ukraine.
On behalf of all of our Jewish brothers and sisters that your generosity is helping, thank you. Let us pray for peace.
Shabbat Shalom.
You can help your Jewish brothers and sisters in Ukraine by making a gift to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's Emergency Response Fund at jewishphilly.org/emergency