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Women of Vision, an affinity group of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, recently announced its grants in the total of nearly $230,000 to four local organizations for the 2025 and 2026 fiscal years.


As part of the grantmaking process, all Women of Vision members have the opportunity to cast a vote on programs they believe deserve funding to create and inspire social change and justice for self-identifying women and girls in Greater Philadelphia and Israel (rotating annually). 


“Our Women of Vision members voted on life changing local initiatives that provide women and girls with the resources and avenues they need to feel empowered and be independent,” said Women of Vision Grant Review Committee Co-Chairs Ann C. Lebowitz and Cindy Warkow in a joint statement. “These grants tackle various systemic issues from providing the means for women to leave unsafe domestic situations, to aiding financial literacy to raising a next generation of women who are confident and understand the power of their voice.” 


Two year grant recipients include Jewish Women International’s “Financial Fitness for Young Women” program,  jGirls+ Magazine’s “Jewish Feminist Leadership Strategy & Vocal Point” programs, Dinah’s and The Hebrew Free Loan Society’s “Shalom Bayit Fund”  which will establish the the first interest-free loan program for women leaving domestic violence or unsafe relationships. Moving Traditions’ "CultureShift" program will receive a one year grant. 


Since 1994, Women of Vision has collectively decided and distributed through its endowment fund more than $1.7 million to organizations in Greater Philadelphia and Israel (rotating annually).


While next year’s grant cycle will focus on organizations in Israel, Women of Vision made two special grants in 2024 to address the impact the ongoing war has had on women. In February, thanks to an anonymous donor, Women of Vision made a one-time grant of $30,000 to the Civil Commission on October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children to support their work documenting the systematic and deliberate gender and sexual-based violence that Hamas committed and advocating for necessary changes on the international stage. In June, Women of Vision as part of the Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund, announced $100,000 in grants to support five Israeli nonprofits actively and effectively working to give a voice to women and advance equality in government and civil society as Israelis reprioritize and rebuild during and after wartime.


“As women, when one of us hurts, we all hurt. And when one of us is silenced, we all speak up,” said Women of Vision Chair Andi Barsky. “This year’s collective grants underscores that as Women of Vision, we act when we see injustice and we stand firmly in solidarity with our fellow women in the mission of creating a more equitable, inclusive and respectful world for all.”



For more information about Women of Vision and how to become a member, please click here or contact Shara Swift at sswift@jewishphilly.org.