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From May 14 to 21, over 130 members of the local community joined the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia for a transformational eight-day journey through Israel to celebrate its 75th anniversary of statehood. 


"The Israel 75 Mission had a tremendous impact on all 130 participants, from first timers to those of us who have gone on many trips to Israel,” stated Gail Norry, Board Co-Chair. “We came together as one community, and I know we will continue to gather back here in Greater Philadelphia and leave an imprint for years to come on the future of our Jewish community." 

Participants explored Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Jewish Federation’s two Partnership2Gether regions of Sdot Negev and Netivot in Southern Israel, among other areas. Through site visits and hands-on activities, mission participants discovered first-hand how their support of the Jewish Federation translates into true impact for the State of Israel and its people.  

“Since we got to meet the beneficiaries of the Jewish Federation’s philanthropic funds in Israel, our participants now have a deeper understanding of the many significant needs in Israel, and how we in the Greater Philadelphia Jewish community can make a lasting difference,” expressed Israel 75 Mission Co-Chair Susan Schwartz.

The mission offered four customized tracks: Adventure; Food, Wine and Culture; People, Places and Politics; and Tech and Business.

“This was an incredibly moving achievement to take 130 individuals from Greater Philadelphia, bring them to Israel, and provide them with a journey that both allowed them to build community and form personal connections with the country, fostering a sense of Jewish pride,” said Jessica and Josh Katz, Israel 75 Mission Co-Chairs.

Four Tracks, Four Experiences, One Journey

  1. Adventure Track

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“A special moment we will never forget is when we met basketball players who are wheelchair-bound, as part of a JDC-organized team that the Jewish Federation helps fund. We also did several activities in wheelchairs to begin to understand accessibility barriers and the importance of having social programming like this and resources available for people with differing abilities.”

- Gregg and Sandi Epstein, Adventure Track Captains 


  1. Food, Wine and Culture Track

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“By visiting the Latet warehouse, which is a grantee of the Jewish Federation, we got a real understanding of the programs we fund to feed those who are food insecure in Israel through their food bank system. Understanding the food, wine and culture of a country is a great way to build bridges, and in Israel, where there is such a multitude of cultures, examining it through this lens allowed us to appreciate the amalgamation of different ethnicities.”

- Jodi and David Miller, Food, Wine and Culture Track Captains


  1. People, Places and Politics Track

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“It was important to me on my track that we delve below the surface into the real issues that sub-communities in Israel are facing. I wanted the community to feel like they were unpacking complicated and real truths that we might not often get a chance to hear about and explore. We were able to approach this trip with more authenticity and really grapple with hard truths.”

- Cara Levinson, People, Places and Politics Track Captain 


  1. Tech and Business Track

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“At Hilma: Tech for Impact, I was able to understand how my support of the Jewish Federation makes an impact in Israel. We met academically underserved young adults, who received an innovative STEM education and are now entrepreneurs equipped with the skills to solve problems through technology that will not only improve their lives, but also the lives of their communities and beyond.”

- Harold and Sherri Middleberg, Tech and Business Track Captains



Want to travel with the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia to connect with Jewish communities around the world? Contact Erica N. Miller, Missions Manager, at erica.miller@jewishphilly.org.